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Alliance for Gender Quotas at Local Level position paper

Published: Monday, September 23, 2024

A new civil society alliance, which was launched today, called for the introduction of gender quotas at local level to address the imbalance of representation of women at all levels of politics. Led by the National Women’s Council (NWC), the Alliance includes academics; Traveller, migrant, and disabled women’s groups; alongside groups working for women’s political representation. The new alliance is calling for: the implementation of statutory gender quotas of 40% for local elections; commitment to the introduction of mechanisms to ensure the adequate representation of minority groups including (but not limited to) Traveller women, women from migrant backgrounds, disabled women and women from the LGBTQIA+ community; and increased funding for political parties, councils, and NGOs, tied to outcomes, to support women's inclusion. For quotas to be effective, proper resourcing for engagement, capacity building, and training will be needed

Download file: Alliance for Gender Quotas at Local Level position paper