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Publications: Published Reports

Women’s Experiences of Caring during COVID-19

Published: Monday, November 09, 2020

In May 2020, the National Women’s Council (NWC) wanted to understand how COVID-19 was impacting women’s caring responsibilities and their own mental health and wellbeing. This report sets out the findings of our Women’s Experiences of Caring during...

Women Beyond the Dail: A Guide to Establishing Local Caucus with Women Councillors

Published: Wednesday, February 12, 2020

This is a guide to support the establishment of Local Caucus with Women Councillors. It has been developed with the National Collective of Community Based Womens Networks. It has been supported by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.

“Women Beyond the Dáil: More Women in Local Government” Summary Document

Published: Friday, February 07, 2020

This summary document outlines recommendations for Political Parties, Local Authorities and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government on how to address women's under representation in Local Government.

Learning from the 2018 Together for Yes campaign

Published: Thursday, November 07, 2019

This report provides an overview of the learnings and lessons from the campaign.

Women’s Health in Ireland - Evidence Base

Published: Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019 report ‘Women’s Health in Ireland - Evidence Base for the development of the Women’s Health Action Plan’ prepared by Dr Kathy Walsh on behalf of the National Women’s Council of Ireland, HSE and the Department of Health.

Response to Study on Familicide and Domestic Homicide Reviews

Published: Wednesday, July 31, 2019

NWCI submission to the independent specialist in-depth research study on familicide and domestic homicide reviews which was commissioned by the Department of Justice and Equality.

The Gender Pay Gap Information Bill NWCI Recommended Amendments

Published: Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) warmly welcomes the Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2019 and the development of meaningful interventions to improve women’s careers and workforce diversity and inclusion. The Bill introduces some important provisions and once...

It Stops Now - Toolkit

Published: Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The It Stops Now toolkit is a one stop resource for higher education institutes to develop a zero tolerance approach to sexual violence and harassment on campus. The toolkit makes the case for leadership at the highest management level of...

Out of Silence

Published: Tuesday, November 06, 2018


Published: Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Transparency around pay is essential, so that we can remove the question of gender-influenced pay. Pay transparency is an internationally recognized tool in closing the gender pay gap. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Labour Organisation and...

Time to Act to Close the Gender Pay Gap

Published: Thursday, November 23, 2017

NWCI’s mission is to achieve equality for women, central to that is the achievement economic independence and economic equality. The gap in earnings between women and men goes to the heart of inequality between women and men in the...

No Small Change Closing the Gender Pay Gap

Published: Thursday, November 23, 2017

NWCI’s mission is to achieve equality for women, central to that is the achievement economic independence and economic equality. The gap in earnings between women and men goes to the heart of inequality between women and men in the...

Observatory Submission to Law Reform Commission:Investigate the most appropriate specialized domestic, sexual and gender based violence court sytems

Published: Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Law Reform Commission has begun initial preparations for a new Programme of Law Reform and in that respect has invited submissions as to areas of law that may be in need of reform. In that respect the National Observatory...

Submission to the Law Reform Commission on areas requiring law reform: Examine legal infrastructures designed to secure maintenance payments

Published: Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Law Reform Commission has begun initial preparations for a new Programme of Law Reform and in that respect has invited submissions as to areas of law that may be in need of reform. The National Women’s Council of...

A Review of Data on the Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education Country Report- Ireland

Published: Thursday, October 05, 2017

The NWCI Ireland Country Report for the Review of Data on the Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the European Union. The report collates the most recently available Irish and EU data on...

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