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NWCI Tender for the production of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the Health Service Executive

Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010

National Women's Council of Ireland - Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the Health Service ExecutiveThe NWCI is seeking to contract an experienced and highly skilled researcher for this project.The tender is for the production of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for...

Nurses & Midwives Bill Important Update - Nov 5th

Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Bill passed Committee stage in full yesterday morning. The meeting only lasted 1hr 45min and only Minister Harney, S O'Fearghail (chair), James Reilly, Margaret Conlon, Rory O'Hanlon, and Kathleen Lynch were present. No amendments relating to our concerns were...

National Women’s Council shares anger, deplores paint attack on Minister

Published: Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The National Women's Council of Ireland shares the anger of those hurt by unjust and reckless health cuts, including many women who are our members. The mismanagement of the HSE under Minister Mary Harney's watch has been scandalous. We have...

Babies, mothers and midwives in Dail picket over threat to choice in childbirth

Published: Monday, November 01, 2010

Please Join us at the Dáil 11am, Wednesday,November 3rd, 2010. On Thursday 4th November the Nurses and Midwives Bill 2010 moves to Committee stage in the Dail. AIMS Ireland and other birth support groups are picketing the Dail at 11 am...

Speech by Susan McKay at the Trauma Recovery Network conference on 13th Oct 2010

Published: Monday, October 25, 2010

I'll start by reading you a short extract from a book I wrote in 1998. This is about a woman living in one of the toughest estates in North Belfast. It doesn't matter which side she came from - it could...

ICA exhibition opened to celebrate centenary

Published: Monday, October 25, 2010

A unique slice of history was unveiled at the County Museum in Clonmel last Thursday night when the exhibition ICA, Champions in our Community was launched.The exhibition features jewellery, fashion accessories, paintings and stunning black and white photos, along...

EU to vote on increasing paid maternity leave

Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2010

By Ann Cahill Europe CorrespondentA PLAN to give women longer maternity leave on full pay is being fought by businesses in the EU.Women's groups are arguing the extra cost would be offset by more women returning to work after...

Women’s Fund

Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2010

 Launched in April 2010 at a major seminar on women's philanthropy in Dublin, The Women's Fund for Ireland fuels change in our communities by supporting the most innovative and positive solutions to the issues facing women in Ireland today.It's mission...

The Poor can’t pay. Protect the vulnerable

Published: Monday, October 18, 2010

A coalition of leading charities, community and voluntary groups, trade unions and academics today launched a new hard-hitting campaign which calls on all TD's to take a pledge to protect the most vulnerable in society from Budget cuts.The "Time...

Invest a little in deprived children and save a fortune on super-prison

Published: Monday, October 18, 2010

HOMELESSNESS. Poverty. Hunger. Cold. Fear. Isolation. Illness - both physical and mental.These are features of modern Ireland, whether we like it or not. They are symptoms - the most telling symptoms - of our failure to take advantage of...

NO to sexual violence against women in conflict and ask your government to make resolution 1325 a re

Published: Monday, October 18, 2010

Say NO - UNiTESay NO - UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a global call for action, launched in November 2009, on ending violence against women and girls. It is presented by UNIFEM as a contribution to advance the objectives...

The Poor can’t pay

Published: Monday, October 18, 2010

Release Date: Monday 18th October 2010Comments Made By Susan McKay, chief executive of the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) at The Poor Can't Pay launch of Campaign to Demand that TDs Protect People on Lowest Incomes from Further CutsWe...


Published: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This year marks the 10th anniversary of a landmark piece of international law codifying the link between women, peace and security known as U.N. Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000). As a Security Council Resolution, it is by definition binding on member...

Women Need Greater Participation & Equality in Peacebuilding - UN       Report

Published: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ten years after the adoption of a Security Council resolution calling for equal participation by women in post-conflict peacebuilding, much remains to be done to ensure they can play their part in shoring up peace, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in...

Say hello to the new feminists

Published: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Last month the Irish Feminist Network was launched in Dublin with the aim of destigmatising feminism and making it more relevant to a new generation. It was a success: 100 people attended, and its 22-year-old spokeswoman Madeline Hawke says the group,...

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