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Saudis bow to pressure and grant women right to vote

Published: Sunday, September 25, 2011

THE world's last bastion against female suffrage bowed to the forces of change when Saudi Arabia granted its female population the right to vote for the first time.The historic decision came after King Abdullah, the Saudi ruler, conceded that...

Gender Equality: the Right and Smart Thing to Do – World Bank Report

Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Despite impressive gains in gender equality, nearly 4 million poor women "missing" each year in developing countries.WASHINGTON, September 18, 2011 - Gender equality matters in its own right but is also smart economics: Countries that create better opportunities and conditions for women...

NWCI welcomes the Institute of Community Health Nursing

Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A warm welcome to our new Member - the Institute of Community Health Nursing - who has just joined National Women's Council of Ireland! Check out their website www.ichn.ie to find out more about their interesting work.

NWCI CEO, Susan McKay, shortlised for a "Women Mean Business" Award

Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The National Women's Council of Ireland are delighted to announce that our CEO, Susan McKay, has been short-listed for a prestigious WMB Award.The Awards are being hosted at Dublin's Shelbourne Hotel on Monday 26th September.The Conference and Award...

Minister urged to reverse cuts in social welfare

Published: Sunday, September 18, 2011

INCREASES IN some social welfare payments and the reversal of previous cuts were among the demands made of the Minister for Social Protection yesterday at a pre-budget forum for the community and voluntary sector.Joan Burton heard pleas from 33 groups,...

Women denied vote in Saudi elections

Published: Monday, September 12, 2011

Women are not allowed to stand or vote in Saudi Arabia's municipal elections later this month - because electoral procedures are not ready.Male voters will be electing 1,632 men to seats in 258 different councils with a further 1,000 plus seats appointed...

Porn blamed as sex offences by juveniles treble

Published: Monday, September 12, 2011

THE number of sex crimes carried out by juveniles has nearly trebled, official figures show.Both rape crisis groups and Garda sources have suggested that easier access to hard-core pornography is a factor in the increase.Figures on juvenile crime...

Proposed Changes to sex-offender register - Version of Sarah’s Law to be introduced in Ireland

Published: Monday, September 12, 2011

MINISTER FOR JUSTICE Alan Shatter is to introduce legislation so parents of young children can be made aware of sex offenders living in their areas.The Department of Justice confirmed the Minister's intentions to allow Gardaí to release certain information...

Campaign to stop diminished view of domestic violence

Published: Monday, September 12, 2011

A campaign to challenge attitudes towards rape and abuse is being launched in Wales today.The Live Fear Free campaign aims to specifically tackle sexual violence and domestic abuse in relationships and two online videos will soon be available.The...

Why are so few women in top local government jobs?

Published: Monday, September 12, 2011

The Equality and Human Rights Commission claims that there are 5,400 women "missing" from top jobs in the UK and the narrowing of the gender gap across business, politics and the media is "tortuously slow". Comparing today's figures with 2004 shows that...

Irish-trained Bahraini doctors reportedly free

Published: Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A group of doctors and nurses detained in Bahrain have reportedly been released tonight, including three doctors who trained in Ireland.They have been on hunger strike for the past two weeks.State media said a military court had released...

Marriage Equality - Rory’s Story Video

Published: Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Fact: The marriage ban for same sex couples discriminates against Irish families and children.At Marriage Equality, we want to change that and we are asking you to help us.Please watch Rory's Story - a new short film by...

Michelle Bachelet on UN Women

Published: Monday, September 05, 2011

The former president of Chile now serves as director of UN Women, which is trying to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals, talks frankly about UN Women.Click here to see the full interview.......

Minister for Small Business launches mentoring programme for female entrepreneurs

Published: Monday, September 05, 2011

Minister for Small Business, John Perry T.D., has today (Tuesday), formally launched the National Mentoring Programme for Female Entrepreneurs. The programme is an initiative led by Galway Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the four Chambers of Commerce in...

Libyan women react to lack of representation in new governement

Published: Monday, September 05, 2011

Libyan women are speaking out against the National Transitional Council (NTC) for recruiting too many Islamists and too few women.The NTC has appointed only one woman and there are none in ministerial positions."I criticise the absence of women...

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