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Vote Now

Published: Monday, November 15, 2010

We need all the help we can get in these troubled times. Please vote for our video by clicking on the big yellow star onhttp://www.bettertogether.ie/content/longford-womens-link-better-togetherBefore 5.00pm today. It doesn't matter if you have voted already,...

A Better Fairer Way

Published: Monday, November 15, 2010

This year the Irish Congress of Trade Unions has been holding a series of lecture on trying to influence the Government to take an alternative economic view. This campaign is called 'A Better Fairer Way'. As part of the 'Better...

Too twee for Mammy

Published: Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our female TDs and Senators held a meeting this week to discuss the fraught issue of women in politics and how their numbers in parliament can be increased. The event was organised by Minister of State for Equality Mary White...

PwC investigates as laddish e-mails go viral

Published: Saturday, November 13, 2010

SEXIST E-MAILS by male employees about young female colleagues in PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dublin were being viewed on internet sites around the globe yesterday.The series of e-mails, that included staff photographs of the women, were circulated within the firm at...

Magdalene Laundries inquiry ordered

Published: Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The Government must launch an official inquiry into the treatment of women and girls detained in so-called Magdalene Laundries, it has been ruled.The Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) said compensation should be paid to former residents where the state...

Consultation with women on peace and security issues

Published: Tuesday, November 09, 2010

We are beginning a consultation process with women from the north, border counties, women in direct provision and asylum seekers in the south and women who have experienced conflict and gender based violence on this island; and representatives from the...

The Perfect Red Dress for making a statement

Published: Tuesday, November 09, 2010

"MADE in Dagenham" is not remotely what you would call a fashion film. Set in 1968, in an automobile factory outside London, it is a dramatized account of the landmark labor dispute between the Ford Motor Company and a group of...

Claiming Our Future - Galway Event

Published: Sunday, November 07, 2010

Terrence McDonagh (Economist NUI Galway) who told us that economics is ideologically driven and the current dominant ideology has resulted (and continues to result ) in the policies that we have seen fail us economically, socially and environmentally.Michael Taft (Economist...

NWCI Tender for the production of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the Health Service Executive

Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010

National Women's Council of Ireland - Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the Health Service ExecutiveThe NWCI is seeking to contract an experienced and highly skilled researcher for this project.The tender is for the production of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for...

Nurses & Midwives Bill Important Update - Nov 5th

Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Bill passed Committee stage in full yesterday morning. The meeting only lasted 1hr 45min and only Minister Harney, S O'Fearghail (chair), James Reilly, Margaret Conlon, Rory O'Hanlon, and Kathleen Lynch were present. No amendments relating to our concerns were...

National Women’s Council shares anger, deplores paint attack on Minister

Published: Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The National Women's Council of Ireland shares the anger of those hurt by unjust and reckless health cuts, including many women who are our members. The mismanagement of the HSE under Minister Mary Harney's watch has been scandalous. We have...

Babies, mothers and midwives in Dail picket over threat to choice in childbirth

Published: Monday, November 01, 2010

Please Join us at the Dáil 11am, Wednesday,November 3rd, 2010. On Thursday 4th November the Nurses and Midwives Bill 2010 moves to Committee stage in the Dail. AIMS Ireland and other birth support groups are picketing the Dail at 11 am...

Speech by Susan McKay at the Trauma Recovery Network conference on 13th Oct 2010

Published: Monday, October 25, 2010

I'll start by reading you a short extract from a book I wrote in 1998. This is about a woman living in one of the toughest estates in North Belfast. It doesn't matter which side she came from - it could...

ICA exhibition opened to celebrate centenary

Published: Monday, October 25, 2010

A unique slice of history was unveiled at the County Museum in Clonmel last Thursday night when the exhibition ICA, Champions in our Community was launched.The exhibition features jewellery, fashion accessories, paintings and stunning black and white photos, along...

EU to vote on increasing paid maternity leave

Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2010

By Ann Cahill Europe CorrespondentA PLAN to give women longer maternity leave on full pay is being fought by businesses in the EU.Women's groups are arguing the extra cost would be offset by more women returning to work after...

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