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Palestinian women under occupation

Published: Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stephen Lendman comments on a report, published earlier this year entitled, "Am I Not a Human (2): The Suffering of the Palestinian Woman under the Israeli Occupation" Lendman outlines the heartbreaking atrocities that many women have had to endure to have...

UNSCR 1325 Irish National Action Plan Process

Published: Saturday, June 19, 2010

As the 10th anniversary approaches of the historic UN Security Council Resolution on women, peace and security (UN SCR 1325), civil society groups launch a Best Practice Guide and call on Government to develop an effective and inclusive Irish National Action...

Cut in lone-parent payment smacks of the jackboot

Published: Friday, June 11, 2010

No matter how the Government spins it, this proposal will hit the weakest in society, writes Jerome ReillyAt first impression, the Government's plan to abolish One-Parent Family Payments once the youngest child reaches 13 years has the heavy stamp of the...

Susan McKay Speech at the Dublin Writers Festival on 5 June 2010

Published: Friday, June 11, 2010

My daughter was telling me about a Justin Timberlake song in which, she said, he compares the girl with a takeaway. I looked up the lyrics "Take my order cause your body's like a carry out..." Ads flashed across the...

Survivor of Gaza Freedom Flotilla to address NWCI AGM

Published: Thursday, June 10, 2010

The National Women's Council is delighted to announce our guest speakers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18 June 2010.They are Ewa Jasiewicz and Freda Hughes, both of them feminists who are deeply engaged in the struggle for justice for...

Speech by Clare Treacy at Networking Roundatble Event

Published: Monday, June 07, 2010

Presentation to ICTU Women's Committee & ICTU Executive CouncilThe ICTU Women's Committee developed a number of aims and objectives towards the end of November 2008, following a day long planning event. The day involved over 20 participants, with Gay Cunningham giving a...

Israel Conflict - Women’s Leadership, Equality, Rights, for Peace

Published: Wednesday, June 02, 2010

WOMEN LEADERS AT UN-HOSTED FORUM URGE JUST & PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICTWomen leaders attending a United Nations-hosted conference in Madrid called for a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including an end to the three-year-old blockade of...

Political parties and campaigners unite in criticism of ‘rogue state’

Published: Monday, May 31, 2010

By Michael Brennan Political Correspondent, The Independent Tuesday June 01 2010POLITICAL parties and campaign groups last night united in their condemnation of Israel in the wake of the commando attack that claimed the lives of at least nine Gaza-bound peace activists...

Very different winners hope to make difference

Published: Monday, May 31, 2010

By MARIE O'HALLORAN The Irish Times - Tuesday, June 1, 2010Winners of the Vodafone Ireland Foundation's World of Difference campaign Mark Smith, Patrick Haslett, Benedicta Attoh and Mark ODoherty.A FORMER child bride, a professional rugby player turned solicitor, an out...


Published: Sunday, May 30, 2010

Israeli commandos descending from helicopters stormed the six-boat flotilla in the early hours , while it was in international waters about 40 miles (64km) from Gaza, where Israel has no jurisdiction. Israel's military assault on a humanitarian mission is further evidence of...

Anger over ‘sly’ child benefit cut

Published: Saturday, May 29, 2010

Proposed changes to the welfare system have been condemned as heartless and reprehensible beyond beliefBy Justine McCarthy, TimesOnline May 30 2010ANGER was growing among government backbenchers last night at proposals to cut welfare benefits for single mothers contained in legislation that...


Published: Saturday, May 29, 2010

"The proposed Social Welfare Bill will harm children and create a new generation of latch key kids," according to the CEO of the National women's Council, Susan McKay. "It will also force women to leave work and put their families...

Voices of Muslim Women in Ireland - New Publication from NWCI launched

Published: Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sixteen Muslim women living in Ireland, North and South, launched a collection of their personal stories in an exciting new publication from the National Women's Council of Ireland. The book was launched by Mary White TD, Minister for Equality, Human...

Making our voices heard – the stories of Muslim women in Ireland’ and the Members Meeting

Published: Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Language fluency the key to greater integration

Published: Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Statement by Joan Burton TD Labour Spokesperson on FinanceSpeaking at the launch of the document by the National Womens' Council of Ireland, 'Making Our Voices Heard; the Story of Muslim Women in Ireland', Deputy Joan Burton said that "The critical...

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