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Presentations to UNSCR 1325 & The Participation and Representation of Women

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

Presentations were given to UNSCR 1325 & The Participation and Representation of Women by Shirley Graham and Salome Mbugua, who represent NWCI on the Department of Foreign Affairs 1325 monitoring committee. Shirley Graham's presentation Salome Mbugua's presentation

Thanks to all our supporters at the end of a significant 2013!

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

As we come to the end of 2013 we wanted to share with you some of successes for women that have been achieved by NWCI and all of our supporters in our campaign for women's equality. 2013 has been a significant...

2013 Successes for Women that NWCI and our members helped to create!

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

As we come to the end of 2013 we wanted to share with you some of successes for women that you helped achieve by being a member of NWCI and supporting in our campaign for women's equality. 2013 has been a...

Investment required in Early Years Startegy

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

Following the confirmation in a recent Irish Independent/ Today FM Behaviour and Attitudes Survey  that one in four couples feel they are too poor to start a family, National Women’s Council of Ireland is renewing calls for...

NWCI calls on government to make a commitment to get more women on boards

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

The EU Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of gender quotas for publicly listed boards, and the Irish government must respond regarding what action they will take to promote gender equality in economic decision making.  The vote saw MEPs ...

Terminations for Medical Reasons: NWCI supports women taking case to UN

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

NWCI fully supports women being forced to take a case to the UN for fundamental rights in the instance of fatal foetal abnormalities.  It is terrible to see yet more women forced to international courts in search of their...

HISTORY presented by Theatre Club

Published: Monday, December 16, 2013

HISTORY is a story about a place. A fourteen acre site in Inchicore called St. Michael’s Estate, and a history that spans the housing of imprisoned 1916 revolutionaries to the building of Ireland’s first social housing in...

The time for the government to take responsibility for Bethany Home neglect and abuse is now

Published: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

NWCI urgently requests the Government reconsider its policy on the survivors of the Bethany Home.   The Sinn Fein’s Private Member’s Motion, being tabled today, seeking apology and redress for surviving women and men of...

Alliance from across Irish Society calls for Justice for Bethany Home Survivors

Published: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dear Editor, We the undersigned are writing to you to express our deep concern at the situation of the survivors of the Bethany Home, Rathgar, Dublin.  We are aware that Justice Minister Alan Shatter and Minister of State Kathleen...

Violence Against Women: An Issue of Gender launched by Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Published: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

At the launch and publication of “Violence Against Women: An Issue of Gender: Highlighting the Role of Gender in Analysis and Response” today, the Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women, chaired by National Women’s Council of...

NWCI and other NGOs call for the Christmas bonus to social welfare recipients to be restored

Published: Monday, December 09, 2013

NWCI, along with a number of TDs and non-governmental organisations have called for the Christmas bonus to social welfare recipients to be restored, saying it would be a “dividend to the most vulnerable in our society” as Ireland...

NWCI Christmas Wishlist on social media

Published: Monday, December 09, 2013

Are you sick of being told how to drop a dress size in time for Christmas, do you struggle with childcare over Christmas, or are you concerned about the rise in domestic violence that the Christmas period brings? Is your...

1325: Women Count for Peace

Published: Monday, December 09, 2013

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) which focuses on Women, Peace and Security was adopted in 2000 after the Security Council heard the experiences and perspectives of women from conflict zones for the first time in a Security Council...

“Violence Against Women: An Issue of Gender,” Minister Frances Fitzgerald launches new publication.

Published: Wednesday, December 04, 2013

At the launch and publication of “Violence Against Women: An Issue of Gender: Highlighting the Role of Gender in Analysis and Response” today, the Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women, chaired by National Women’s Council of...

Government must make commitment to get more women on boards

Published: Wednesday, November 20, 2013

National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) today welcomes the news that the EU Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of gender quotas for publicly listed boards and calls for a response from the Irish government regarding what action they...

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