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The Y Factor Needs a Volunteer to Support our Communications Work

Published: Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Y Factor Project, a youth initiative of the National Women's Council of Ireland is currently looking for a Volunteer to support our communications work as part of The Y Factor team.The Y Factor is an initiative of the...

Journey through the world of journalism & TV presenting with Keelin Shanley

Published: Monday, June 10, 2013

Ever wonder how TV presenters get to where they are? How they got started and whether or not being a woman was an advantage? Women on Air was wondering that too so we asked Morning Edition presenter Keelin Shanley to...

Making a Difference for All Children

Published: Monday, June 03, 2013

EDeNn, the Equality and Diversity in Early Childhood National Network in association with Start Strong is hosting a conference "Making a Difference for All Children" on 22 June 2013.Opening Address by Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth AffairsKeynote Speaker...

Celebrating 40 Years of Feminism in Galway

Published: Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Celebrating 40 Years of Feminism in Galway Women in the West of Ireland meet today, in an event hosted by National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) to examine progress in women's rights since Ireland joined the EU 40 years ago in 1973, the...

Meet and chat with your female politicians in Leitrim and Sligo

Published: Monday, May 27, 2013

5050 North West & Sligo/Leitrim Positive Relations Projects are hosting a Meet & Chat with your Female Politicians  This informal meeting will be an opportunity to talk directly to politicians in Sligo/Leitrim, hear about their experiences, discuss how we...

Group of organisations to raise common points and reservations regarding Protection of Life during P

Published: Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Group of organisations to raise common points and reservations regarding Protection of Life during Pregnancy BillFollowing the Oireachtas hearings with medical and legal experts on the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill, a group of 11 organisations not represented at the...

Speak up for Women’s Equality! NWCI celebrating 40 Years

Published: Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The National Women's Council of Ireland will celebrate its 40th anniversary on 14 June 2013.Keynote speakers at the event will be: Dr Rhona Mahony - Master of the National Maternity Hospital Holles StreetCeri Goddard - Chief Executive Officer of the Fawcett...

Call for justice for the Bethany Home Survivors to be served

Published: Thursday, May 09, 2013

Plus, Breaking News: RTE PRIME TIME programme on Bethany Home Monday 13 May 2013Alliance from across Irish Society calls for Justice for Bethany Home SurvivorsAn alliance of 49 NGOs, trade Unions and academics have called on the Taoiseach to address the unfair...

Engaging Women: Taking the Next Step into Politics - One Family & Women for Election

Published: Wednesday, May 01, 2013

One Family and Women for Election will co-host the free seminar Engaging Women: Taking the Next Step into Politics on Tuesday 21 May 2013 in European Parliament Offices, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Registration with tea/coffee opens at 9.30am and the event runs...

National Women’s Council of Ireland welcomes publication of Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill

Published: Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In response to the publication of the Heads of the Bill on Protection of Life during Pregnancy, Orla O'Connor, Director of the National Women's Council of Ireland said,'We welcome that after 21 years of inaction, the government has finally proposed...

NWCI Information Brief on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill

Published: Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The government published the General Scheme of the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill 2013 on April 30th 2013. The publication of the Bill is the response of the State to its obligations arising from the European Court of Human Rights Judgement...

Women on Boards: The Next Steps - Presentations

Published: Thursday, April 25, 2013

The National Women's Council of Ireland in co-operation with the European Women's Lobby organised a Members and Friends Meeting on Women on Boards: The Next Steps on 25 April 2013.Speakers Biographies Presentations and ResearchOpening Remarks Orla O'Connor, Director, National Women's Council...

Government must act to get more women on boards

Published: Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meeting today with key business women and thinkers the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) called on the Irish government to act to get more women on boards and to prevent Ireland from falling behind other EU countries.Orla O'Connor,...

The National Women’s Council is recruiting a Fundraising and Development Co-ordinator

Published: Monday, April 22, 2013

Do you want to make a real difference to the lives of women throughout Ireland?We are seeking an innovative, effective, hardworking individual to work on income generation for the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI). The role, which involves...

We need X Case legislation that respects women’s dignity and rights

Published: Sunday, April 21, 2013

In response to the recent verdict of the inquest into the death of Savita Halappanavar Orla O'Connor, Director of the National Women's Council of Ireland said,'It is clear from the evidence given at the inquest that restrictive abortion laws...

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