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National Women’s Council of Ireland reacts to Budget 2010

Published: Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Mothers on social welfare or working for low pay will bear the brunt of budgetary cuts, according to the National Women's Council of Ireland. "We deplore the government's decision to cut child benefit and social welfare payments," said Susan McKay,...


Published: Tuesday, December 01, 2009

PARENTS GATHER TO WARN GOVERNMENT AGAINST CUTS TO CHILD BENEFITPACUB, OPEN, One Family, the Children's Rights Alliance and the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI), have come together once again to organise a public gathering outside Dáil Eireann tonight...

Public Gathering to oppose cuts to Child Benefit in Budget 2010

Published: Monday, November 30, 2009

PUBLIC GATHERING PLANNED FOR THIS EVENING (WED) OUTSIDE DAIL TO OPPOSE CUTS TO CHILD BENEFITThe National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) will join PACUB, OPEN, One Family and the Children's Rights Alliance in a public gathering to oppose cuts to...

Groups come together in solidarity to fight cuts to Child Benefit in Budget 2010

Published: Wednesday, November 25, 2009

PRESS STATEMENT1 MILLION REASONS TO OPPOSE CUTS TO CHILD BENEFITGroups come together in solidarity to fight cuts to Child BenefitImmediate Release: Thurs, 26.11.09A press conference jointly held today by OPEN, PACUB, The Children's Rights Alliance, The National Women's Council and...

Ireland’s National Plan of Action to address FGM - one year on

Published: Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ireland's National Plan of Action to Address Female Genital Mutilation - one year since the launchFor immediate release : 25th November 2009Today marks the one year anniversary of the launch of Ireland's National Action Plan on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). One...

1 Million Reasons to oppose cuts to Child Benefit in Budget 2010

Published: Sunday, November 22, 2009

1 MILLION REASONS TO OPPOSE CUTS TO CHILD BENEFIT IN BUDGET 2010Joint appeal to be launched by PACUB, OPEN, One Family, Children's Rights Alliance and National Women's Council of IrelandThis Thursday, 26th of November 2009, a unique joint appeal will strongly oppose...

Longford Businesswomen Honoured – Susan McKay Keynote Speaker, Longford Leader

Published: Saturday, November 21, 2009

Longford's most successful business women gathered in the Black Olive restaurant last Thursday afternoon to celebrate the first annual Longford Women in Business AwardsThe event was organised by the Longford Leader, the Co Enterprise Board and Longford Women's Link and...

NWCI Members Meeting (Violence against women and the law) 21st Nov - CANCELLED

Published: Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Friends,Due to weather conditions in the West and the AA's advice that unnecessary travel should be avoided in Galway until further notice, we have had to cancel our members meeting this Saturday November 21st.We apologise for any...

GPs face delays over locum payments, Irish Times, 17th November 2009

Published: Monday, November 16, 2009

GENERAL PRACTITIONERS in the west are facing delays in repayment of locum cover, due to HSE West's non-replacement of staff on maternity leave.HSE West says it is making efforts to resolve the issue, but has been unable to say...

State’s shameful savings, Irish Examiner, 12th November 2009

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A FIERCE backlash against plans to scrap the Christmas welfare bonus and slash child allowance hit the Government last night as it was accused of deliberate "meanness".Labour leader Eamon Gilmore branded the Taoiseach's stance "shameful" as Brian Cowen confirmed...

Sparks fly over sexy Ryanair Calendar, Irish Independent, 12th November 2009

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RYANAIR was accused last night of a "serious lack of imagination" after the airline insisted its 2010 cabin crew calendar was "art".The new calendar, featuring two Irish employees, is more risque than previous editions.The National Women's Council of Ireland ...

Women’s Council criticise Ryanair’s latest calendar, Irish Examiner, Breaking News, 12th November 20

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland is hitting out at Ryanair over its latest cabin crew calendar.The 2010 calendar - which includes two Irish employees - features scantily clad women and claims to be the most provocative edition yet.http:/...

NWCI reaction to proposals on child benefit

Published: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) responded to the Minister of Social and Family Affairs, Mary Hanafin's proposals to create three different bands for Child Benefit payments as fundamentally flawed as there is no recognition for the costs of...

Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley wins the argument with Queen Elizabeth – a new book on Mna na hEireann

Published: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reviewed by NWCI director, Susan McKay'I'm not a humanitarian. I'm a hellraiser.' So said Mother Jones, born on the northside of Cork, raised in Canada, and denounced in the US senate as 'the grandmother of all agitators' and by...

Child Benefit means-test ‘flawed’, Evening Herald, 11th November 2009

Published: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Proposals to means test child benefit payments in the Budget are fundamentally flawed and could force women out of work, a leading lobby group has claimed.The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) said Government has made no attempt to...

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