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National Women’s Strategy Breadth of Women’s Inequalities acknowledged: Mechanisms to remove them ab

Published: Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) has responded with an overall sense of disquiet at the launch of the Governments National Womens Strategy this afternoon, Wednesday 18th April.While the NWCI welcomes the Governments focus on womens equality and...

CSO confirms gross under-representation of women in decision-making

Published: Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland has consistently lobbied for increased representation of women in political decision making in Ireland.Todays report of the Central Statistics Office gives the percentage of women as only 14% of TDs in the Dail and 20%...

Budget 2007 - Big money, no vision

Published: Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland reacted with dismay to the measures announced in Budget 2007 that affect women with high childcare costs and women in the social welfare system.This budget does nothing to advance womens equality, nor does it...

Irish Women’s Health Meeting International Standards?

Published: Monday, September 25, 2006

Today, Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney, T.D. launches the National Women's Council of Ireland new publication "Women's Health - Meeting International Standards".The report is being launched at a time;when the all cancer mortality (death) rate...

Final Opportuntiy for Government to keep its promises to women in Budget 2007

Published: Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland launched its Pre-Budget 2007 Submission today saying that Budget 2007 is the final opportunity for this Government to fulfil the many commitments that they havmade towards improving the lives of Irish women.Orla OConnor, Head of...

NWCI express deep concern at Scheme for Immigration and Residence Protection Bill

Published: Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland has expressed deep concern regarding the Governments Scheme for an Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill, published yesterday. Whilst there are some welcome initiatives within the Bill, the failure of Government to provide adequate protection...

NWCI reacts with outrage at todays High Court decision

Published: Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) have reacted with outrage at the release, this afternoon, of a 41-year old man who was jailed in 2004 for having sex with a 12-year old girl. The High Courts decision to free the...

Buying Sex is not a Sport -NWCI launch public awareness campaign

Published: Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) are today (Thursday) set to launch a nationwide public awareness campaign to highlight the issue of trafficking in women for prostitution, for major international sporting events.The campaign Buying Sex is not a...

NWCI to celebrate women’s leadership to mark International Women’s Day 2006

Published: Tuesday, March 07, 2006

International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. This year, The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) will...

NWCI welcomes social insurance protection for childminders

Published: Sunday, February 19, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) welcomes the measure to include childminders within the Social Insurance system (PRSI), announced today, as part of the new Childminders Relief Measure. This measure will allow childminders to earn up to 10,000 and be...

NWCI expresses disappointment on the definition of the family

Published: Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) has expressed disappointment that the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution does not favour a new definition for the family. The Committee has agreed to maintain the definition of family to be one...

NWCI disappointed at granting of Stringfellows Licence

Published: Monday, January 09, 2006

The National Womens Council of Ireland (NWCI) has expressed dismay at the granting of a licence to Strinnightclub to open premises in Parnell Street, in Dublin and considers that current licensing conditions appear inadequate.We view lap-dancing as being part...

National Women’s Council supports proposed Seanad motion for changes to the social welfare system

Published: Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The NWCI welcomes and supports the private members motion to modernise the current social welfare system, which will be put forward for discussion in the Seanad this evening (Wednesday 9 November, 5pm).The motion, to be proposed by Senator Sheila Terry ...

Equality Authority to Appeal High Court Decision in Relation to Portmarnock Golf Club

Published: Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Equality Authority is to appeal the recent High Court decision on Portmarnock Golf Club to the Supreme Court. The decision to appeal is based on the serious issues raised by the case and on the far reaching consequences of...

Extend First Phase of Cervical Screening

Published: Friday, June 17, 2005

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) supports the call made at the first National Cervical Screening conference last Saturday (June 18th, 2005), to extend the first phase of the cervical screening programme to full population based screening. The NWCI is...

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