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‘Hitting Home’ – the Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Published: Tuesday, August 27, 2013

‘Hitting Home’ – the Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Tuesday 29th November, 2011. Ramada Hotel, Bray, Co Wicklow

9:00 am Registration

9.30 am Official opening of seminar by TBC

9.40 am Opening remarks by Mr. John Quin, ex Childcare Manager, HSE Wicklow.

9.45am Session 1: "Living with Domestic Abuse - Children's Perspectives"
Dr Stephanie Holt, Lecturer Social Studies, School of Social Work& Social Policy, TCD. D.1

Questions & Answers

10.30 am Coffee Break

11.15 am Session 2: "Taking a hit: The domestic violence experiences of women drug users and their children"

Dr Marguerite Woods, Lecturer Social studies, School of Social Work& Social Policy, TCD., Questions and Answers


12. Noon Session 3: "Hung by a nail..." Children, Young People & Domestic Abuse - The
influences or implications of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Mr.Colm Dempsey, Consultant and Trainer in Human and Children's Rights in the area of violence against women & children

Questions and Answers

12.45 pm: Lunch

2 pm: Session 4: "Children Experiencing Domestic Violence: Key Messages from Research".

Professor Nicky Stanley, Professor of Social Work University of Central Lancashire, Preston

3 .15 pm: Questions & Answers

Representatives from the voluntary and statutory sector services associated with the issue of Domestic Abuse i.e. The Mental Health & Medical Professions, An Garda Siochana, Addiction Services, Children and Young Peoples Support Organisations, Homeless Services and Welfare Supports. Educators, Religious etc., are invited to attend.

The Cost of this seminar is €30 to include tea/coffee biscuits, and 3 course buffet lunch

Places are limited so early booking is advisable


Contact the Bray's Womens Refuge.

If not attending yourself, please pass this form to someone else who may be interested in attending


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